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U.S. Lawyers Perpetuate Regulation Myths at The Autonomous

U.S. Lawyers Perpetuate Regulation Myths at The Autonomous

In the realm of AV safety and regulation, a stark contrast exists between the approaches advocated in North America and Europe. The disparity was clear in two events that successively took place recently.
Sneak Preview: Debunking Industry Narrative on AV Regulation

Sneak Preview: Debunking Industry Narrative on AV Regulation

The current autonomous vehicle industry strategy seems to boil down to “Trust us, we know what’s best,” “Don’t stifle innovation,” and “Humans are bad drivers, so computers will be better.”
Intel - That Name is More than a Game

That Name is More than a Game

Intel unveiled a wholesale renaming of its future process nodes in July. This might have seemed an obvious marketing trick to mitigate painful comparisons against TSMC or Samsung. But beneath the surface, the renaming reflects both a decades-old struggle and a global financial reality.
Ojo Yoshida Report Podcast

Podcast: Plastic and Beyond

By Peter Clarke In 2021 flexible IC activity crossed an interesting threshold with a circuit characterized by a 29kHz clock frequency. With leading-edge processors clocked at gigahertz frequencies you might ask, “so what?” Well the so-what is low-cost and – maybe – something more significant in the long-term. Listen to Podcast…
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This Week

‌ ‌‌Can Machine Drivers Guess Right About Us Human Drivers?Politicize the Semiconductor Supply Chain and We All LoseThe Romance of the JalopyPodcast: Plastic and Beyond ‌‌ ‌ Can Machine Drivers Guess Right About Us Human Drivers? By Junko Yoshida What’s at stake?‌‌For both human and machine drivers, perception is hard. Even harder is prediction. The… Read More »This Week
The Romance of the Jalopy - Woody

The Romance of the Jalopy

A nagging issue noted at the AutoSens conference is the gap between technology people and car guys. Even more confusing – perhaps even to people creating devices that might usher in a utopia of self-driving vehicles – is that some of the AutoSens crowd occupy both sides of the gulf.
Can Machine Drivers Guess Right About Us Human Drivers?

Can Machine Drivers Guess Right About Us Human Drivers?

By Junko Yoshida What’s at stake?For both human and machine drivers, perception is hard. Even harder is prediction. The driver must make reasonable assumptions — guesses — about what other vehicles or pedestrians will do next, in order to forge a safe path through traffic. The question becomes: How can machine drivers guess right, based… Read More »Can Machine Drivers Guess Right About Us Human Drivers?
Politicize the Semiconductor Supply Chain and We All Lose

Politicize the Semiconductor Supply Chain and We All Lose

Semiconductors and software will drive and power societal evolution and economic growth for the foreseeable future. Therefore, the domination of access to the semiconductor supply chain by any country or regional bloc should be anathema to everyone.
Ojo Yoshida Report Podcast

Apple Car Hurry-Up Targets Apps & Service Developers

Guest: Colin Barnden, principal analyst at Semicast Research
Apple Car: Makers & Sensors

Apple Car: Makers & Sensors

Since launching Project Titan in 2014, Apple has focused on finding “the right suppliers to set up a supply chain,” said Yole Développement CEO Jean-Christophe Eloy. Who are the likely suppliers?
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This Week

‌‌Unlocking Apple Car’s Supply ChainApple Car: Makers & SensorsWhat About EV batteries?A Portrait of Apple Beyond the HardwareIt’s Rethink or Sink for PropheseeSmall Is Beautiful: How to Cut Big Tech Down to SizePodcast: Apple Car Hurry-Up Targets Apps & Service Developers Unlocking Apple Car’s Supply Chain By Junko Yoshida‌ ‌ What’s at stake? ‌‌Phil Magney,… Read More »This Week
Unlocking Apple Car’s Supply Chain

Unlocking Apple Car’s Supply Chain

Phil Magney, founder of VSI Labs, often says that Tesla is “a proxy of the future vehicle.” What, then, will Apple Car become? Will it be Tesla on steroids, a safer and more secure Tesla, or just a more transparent version of Tesla?
Small Is Beautiful: How to Cut Big Tech Down to Size

Small Is Beautiful: How to Cut Big Tech Down to Size

I once asked Andy Grove, then CEO of Intel, why his company shouldn’t face antitrust penalties for monopolistic practices.
A Portrait of Apple Beyond the Hardware

A Portrait of Apple Beyond the Hardware

The big bet is that Apple will find a way to grow opportunities exponentially in the automotive market by bringing all kinds of add-on commercial, communication, entertainment, and other activities into the box.
It’s Rethink or Sink for Prophesee

It’s Rethink or Sink for Prophesee

The art of growing a startup business lies in “finding a path” that’s timely, practical and scalable. Many sensor startups bet their future on automotive. Prophesee, based in Paris, was one such early gambler.
What About EV Batteries

What About EV Batteries?

Batteries are “by far the most expensive part of BEVs,” automotive industry analyst Egil Juliussen noted. “Supply chains are tricky.”
Reining In Tesla’s Driverless Carriage

Reining In Tesla’s Driverless Carriage

Is Tesla merely a Level-2 ADAS vehicle or a Level-4 highly automated car? Most consumers find the technical distinctions arcane. But for California DMV regulators, this is the pivotal issue.

Yole CEO: TSMC Builds a Leading-edge Fab in Europe? It’s ‘Nonsense’

Why is TSMC pursuing its geographical expansion plan now? Is this decision driven by politics or commerce? How big is the political element?
TSMC Shifts West, Dodging Geopolitical Headwinds

TSMC Shifts West, Dodging Geopolitical Headwinds

Rising economic nationalism is causing fissures in the global semiconductor supply chain. The rifts are threatening the IC market at a time of rapid growth, when it most needs to retain the collaborative and unified structure that has driven its expansion over several decades.

Chipmakers Created Mayhem; Now They Want a Bailout

Look in the mirror, semiconductor executives. The culprit behind the nightmarish shortages and supply insecurities jeopardizing the market expansion is staring right back at you. Do not blame China, Japan, the E.U., or the United States.

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This Month


Timely and provocative

The Ojo-Yoshida Report is timely, insightful and sometimes provocative. I always learn something valuable in each edition, intelligent perspectives about our industry you cannot get anywhere else. Thank you and keep up the great work! 

Mike Noonen, CEO 

Renaissance in semiconductor insight

Junko and Bolaji are kickstarting a renaissance in semiconductor insight! It’s so rare these days to find such a wealth of timely, thoughtful coverage. But OYR manages to produce, every week. Well done!

Mike Feibus, Principal Analyst

Knowledgeable and insightful

When I heard that Junko and Bolaji were launching The Ojo Yoshida Report, I instantly got out my credit card and became their first paid subscriber.  Junko and Bolaji are uniquely knowledgeable and insightful about our industry, and are constantly asking important questions.  I never fail to learn from their reporting.

Jeff Bier
Founder, Edge AI and Vision Alliance / President, BDTI


I find The Ojo-Yoshida Report one of the most uncompromising and worth reading reports in the ADAS / AV industry.
Clément Nouvel, LiDAR CTO

Understand and influence the tech trajectory

The tech industry is vibrant, complex, and important. High-quality analysis & reporting is crucial to understand & influence the trajectory and impact of tech. Junko Yoshida and Bolaji Ojo are the voice.  I highly recommend checking out the

Daniel Cooley, CTO

What the news means

I don’t need news, I need intelligent insight. That’s why I read Ojo-Yoshida Report. It’s challenging interviews with industry experts, informative podcasts and knowledge-enhancing content. It’s Junko Yoshida and Bolaji Ojo at their finest. It’s the source I use to find out what the news means.

Colin Barnden, principal analyst at Semicast Research

How do you get started in autonomous vehicles?

A lot of people ask me how to get started in autonomous vehicles. I started by reading what few great blogs/newsletters exist in the space. One of them is the Ojo-Yoshida Report, from Junko Yoshida & Bolaji Ojo. Paid sub, but quality is worth it.

Alex Roy, Director of Special Operations @ Argo AI. Founder: No Parking Podcast, Autonocast, The Drive, Noho Sound.

Most original and insightful voice…

Thank you, Junko, for another deeply insightful and perceptive article. You’ve got me pegged. I’m attracted to great companies, like Velodyne, that I can lead to the next level of greatness. Velodyne will continue to expand its technology innovation leadership while delivering industry-leading financial results and shareholder value. You are the most original and insightful voice among semiconductor industry writers because you understand both the technology and human factors of success like no one else. Keep up the great work with the Ojo-Yoshida Report!
Ted Tewksbury. CEO, Velodyne Lidar