Chat with Junko and Bola. Phil Koopman is our guest this week.
Guest: Phil Koopman, associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University
We asked Phil: How do you prove safety for computer-based vehicles that depend on software?
Phil responds: Testing doesn’t make you safe, it never has, and it never will. Not for software…The way you get safe is not by testing. You get there with safety engineering, doing the hazard analysis, making sure you mitigate hazards. [In short] testing doesn’t prove you safe. The testing proves that all the work [you’ve done] for safety didn’t let anything slip through.
Acronyms used during this episode:·
- DMV: Department of Motor Vehicles
- CPUC: California Public Utility Commission
- AAMVA: The American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
- DoT: Department of Transportation· PennDoT: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
- MISRA: Motor Industry Software Reliability Association
- ANPRM: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
- SAE J3018: Safety-Relevant Guidance for On-Road Testing of Prototype Automated Driving System-Operated Vehicles
- ISO 26262: Functional Safety
- ANSI/UL 4600: Standard for Safety for the Evaluation of Autonomous Products
- ISO 21448, also known as SOTIF (Safety of the Intended Functionality)
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