Journalist Adele Hars with her husband mathematician Emery Davis
The world of microelectronics has just lost one of the most tenacious and conscientious journalists, a polymath who covered everything from Fully Depleted Silicon On Insulator (FD-SOI), Silicon Carbide (SiC) to Gallium Nitride (GaN) and Quantum computing.
Adele Hars passed away on July 23rd, 2023, after a long battle against breast cancer.
Adele stroved always to cover not just the ‘what’ in her reporting – whatever exotic materials or methodologies that serve to advance microelectronics – but how, and why, and who’s behind it.
Adele wrote for many different publications, but her last story, The Secret Life of a Quantum Computing CEO was in The Ojo-Yoshida Report earlier this month.
We loved working with Adele because she stroved always to cover not just the “what” in her reporting – whatever exotic materials or methodologies that serve to advance microelectronics – but how, and why, and who’s behind it.
That’s a rare feat these days in high-tech journalism where reporters are often too focused on the teraflop race.
Beyond that, Adele always did a ton of homework before she went to interview someone, which always put me to shame.
One of my favorite stories in the Ojo-Yoshida Report was Adele’s piece about a new leadless and battery free pacemaker. Together with Adele, I got on the call with a Dresden, Germany-based startup. I sat by fascinated with Adele’s knowledge of not just the history of pacemakers but also similar, potentially competitive technologies that had been tried elsewhere.
Interview after interview, story after story, she researched and talked to sources with boundless curiosity and unstinting diligence.
Since I met her in Paris a couple of decades ago, I have found a number of common bonds with Adele. We are both breast cancer survivors. We’re both addicted to work – investigating, connecting with sources, and writing. We also love good food.
A casual meeting, after being introduced by a mutual friend, blossomed into a personal, and later, professional relationship.
Adele was an exceptional person – kind, attentive, and vibrantly curious.
Below is our email communications just a month ago.
June 28th, 2023
Dear Junko,
In the next email, you’ll find my final copy for the Maud Vinet profile. It is indeed 4 months late, and I just wanted to let you know what’s going on.
When I interviewed Maud in February, my health was suddenly taking a turn to the worse. The cancer has spread to a bad spot in my lungs, and we’re fighting hard to eliminate it. But in the meantime, I’m having a serious respiratory challenge, and the chemo has flattened me to 10+ days out of 20.
I’m going into the hospital next week for surgery that should help keep the fluid out of my lungs (I’ll be in all week), followed by very advanced radiation (stereotactic radiotherapy) and more chemo.
To fight this with all I’ve got, I’m shutting down my business and taking retirement. So, this will be my very last tech piece. I’m glad it’s for you.
With big hugs.
June 28, 2023
Damn, Adele. You wrote not only a great profile story on Maud, but also a primer on Quantum computing! My hat’s off to you. The Ojo-Yoshida Report couldn’t be happier to receive this fine story.
And I am so glad you poured so much heart to it. You always nail it.
I am so sorry to hear about your health. I am sending all the good vibes to your way, Adele. Yes, by all means, pls take a “retirement” and have a restful time with your family. Before you go into a hospital, though, can you pls send us your invoice so that we can pay you promptly?
I really feel privileged to have worked with you at OYR. You have always been my role model – so brave, so kind, so inquisitive, and meticulous!
Hugs, Adele.
June 29, 2023
Dear Junko – truly I am touched by your kindness. I am honored to have finally worked with you, short though it was. I treasure so many wonderful memories with you – in Grenoble, Paris, China. …
We are still working on our Paris studio – hopefully it will be done in mid-fall, and we can invite you guys over for a meal.
I super appreciate, too, the healing vibes you’re sending. How they help!
I will of course send you an invoice tomorrow morning. It will be the last I send! I’m so glad you like the piece. It was a lot to get a handle on, but in the end, I think I did: your high praise is surely an indication.
I am awed at how you do what you do – asking the tough questions then always writing with gusto. Industries across the board are so fortunate to have you.
But above all, Junko, your smile lights up everyone it touches – including me. Thank you!
With warmest regards,
Junko Yoshida is the editor in chief of The Ojo-Yoshida Report. She can be reached at [email protected].
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