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Mitsubishi Deal Boosts Seeing Machines in SDV Market

Mitsubishi Deal Boosts Seeing Machines in SDV Market

Mitsubishi’s new investment in Seeing Machines highlights the importance of driver monitoring systems in the development of software-defined vehicles
The Heat is on for Multi-die Design

The Heat is on for Multi-die Design

Heat has always been a major design issue for chipmakers, but its role has become amplified and proven more challenging in the multi-die design era.
Google and Synaptics Kick off 2025 Edge AI Race

Google and Synaptics Jointly Kick off 2025 Edge AI Race

Semiconductor supplier Synaptics and hyperscaler Google are teaming up to accelerate the deployment of Edge AI
Intel Needs an Active, Competent Board, not a ‘Savior’ CEO

Intel Needs an Active, Competent Board, not a ‘Savior’ CEO

Intel has reached a breaking point, and the board of directors should take decisions about its future now and not wait until the appointment of the next CEO.
AI Past, Present, and Future (Part 3)

AI Past, Present, and Future (Part 3)

In addition to myriad roles “behind the scenes,” people are finding artificial intelligence to be increasingly helpful and useful on a personal level. Let’s hope things stay this way.
The 'Wild West' of Cybercabs in Five Easy Steps

The ‘Wild West’ of Cybercabs in Five Easy Steps

Phil Koopman’s playbook identifies a plausible path for carmakers and tech companies to follow. Given a strong incentive, “it only takes one company to do this at scale, which will trigger a race to the bottom,” he says.
Asking the Right Questions & ‘Reading’ People

Asking the Right Questions & ‘Reading’ People

In “Backbone,” author David Schneer takes an unconventional path to make the case for the value of qualitative research.
China isn’t for Everyone, maybe not Even Nvidia

China Isn’t for Everyone, Maybe Not Even Nvidia

Nvidia may not want to, but it should exit the Chinese market. Geopolitical powers are warring, and technology firms will be mangled. Being able to walk away from the nastiness is a step that Nvidia should not hesitate to take.
What's The Long-Term Outlook for Automotive Chip Industry?

What’s the Long-Term Outlook for Auto Chip Industry?

In the face of the seeming despondent industry dynamic, here’s why I contend there are good reasons to cheer the long-term outlook for the industry
GM Rips Away The Cruise 'Band-Aid'

GM Rips Away the Cruise ‘Band-Aid’

We got Phil Koopman, professor at Carnegie Mellon University, and Bryan Reimer, research scientist, as our podcast guests to discuss how GM’s decision to end its Cruise experiment affects the future of ADAS, robotaxis and personal autonomous vehicles (PAV).
Wiith AI Accelerator Incorporated, ST Calls Calls new MCU a '3rd Seminal Moment'

With AI accelerator integrated, ST Calls New MCU a ‘3rd Seminal Moment’

ST is hoping to establish itself as a genuine AI leader in the embedded world.
Whither STMicroelectronics after Annus Horibilis?

ST Looks Beyond Troubled MCU Waters

The MCU market debacle derailed ST’s $20 billion short-term revenue objective. The executives are regrouping for another run at this goal but they are being a lot more flexible about the dates this time.
Can South Korea get 'processing-in-memory' to stick?

Can South Korea Get ‘Processing-in-Memory’ to Stick?

PIM isn’t new. Companies big and small have long been trying to embed processors in DRAM, with little take up. What will tip the balance?
Accelerating IoT Innovation with Pre-Certified Wi-Fi Modules

Accelerating IoT Innovation with Pre-Certified Wi-Fi Modules

To accelerate innovation and extend the real-world benefits of the IoT, device makers need solutions that simplify development.
AI Past, Present, and Future (Part 2)

AI Past, Present, and Future (Part 2)

Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications are popping up all over the place these days. Some make us say, “Oooh, Shiny!” Others make us exclaim, “Eeek, Scary!”
Infineon on Tightrope Chasing AI Power and 'Green'

Infineon on Tightrope Chasing AI Power and ‘Green’

Infineon wants to help electronics makers with efficient power management devices but can this quest profitably co-exist with environmentally friendly production?
What Drove Investors to Fund (or Decline) Tenstorrent

What Drove Investors to Fund (or Decline) Tenstorrent

During Tenstorrent’s 18-month fundraising marathon, the startup made pitches to hundreds of companies. What did they learn?

A Come-to-De Geus Semiconductor Moment

Aart de Geus, executive chair, founder of Synopsys Inc, recipient of the 2024 SIA Robert Noyce Award, discusses industry-wide “waves” that have changed the world. He shares with us where technology developments in the computational age will take us.
Intel: It’s Time for the Unthinkable

Intel: It’s Time for the Unthinkable

Intel’s recently departed CEO Pat Gelsinger should have walked in with a scalpel in hand four years ago. The urgency is more intense today, which means all options must be considered for the semiconductor icon.
EDA World in Shift Left Age

Electronic Design Automation in Shift-Left Age

Siemens EDA builds toward package-board-mechanical integration.

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Timely and provocative

The Ojo-Yoshida Report is timely, insightful and sometimes provocative. I always learn something valuable in each edition, intelligent perspectives about our industry you cannot get anywhere else. Thank you and keep up the great work! 

Mike Noonen, CEO 

Renaissance in semiconductor insight

Junko and Bolaji are kickstarting a renaissance in semiconductor insight! It’s so rare these days to find such a wealth of timely, thoughtful coverage. But OYR manages to produce, every week. Well done!

Mike Feibus, Principal Analyst

Knowledgeable and insightful

When I heard that Junko and Bolaji were launching The Ojo Yoshida Report, I instantly got out my credit card and became their first paid subscriber.  Junko and Bolaji are uniquely knowledgeable and insightful about our industry, and are constantly asking important questions.  I never fail to learn from their reporting.

Jeff Bier
Founder, Edge AI and Vision Alliance / President, BDTI


I find The Ojo-Yoshida Report one of the most uncompromising and worth reading reports in the ADAS / AV industry.
Clément Nouvel, LiDAR CTO

Understand and influence the tech trajectory

The tech industry is vibrant, complex, and important. High-quality analysis & reporting is crucial to understand & influence the trajectory and impact of tech. Junko Yoshida and Bolaji Ojo are the voice.  I highly recommend checking out the

Daniel Cooley, CTO

What the news means

I don’t need news, I need intelligent insight. That’s why I read Ojo-Yoshida Report. It’s challenging interviews with industry experts, informative podcasts and knowledge-enhancing content. It’s Junko Yoshida and Bolaji Ojo at their finest. It’s the source I use to find out what the news means.

Colin Barnden, principal analyst at Semicast Research

How do you get started in autonomous vehicles?

A lot of people ask me how to get started in autonomous vehicles. I started by reading what few great blogs/newsletters exist in the space. One of them is the Ojo-Yoshida Report, from Junko Yoshida & Bolaji Ojo. Paid sub, but quality is worth it.

Alex Roy, Director of Special Operations @ Argo AI. Founder: No Parking Podcast, Autonocast, The Drive, Noho Sound.

Most original and insightful voice…

Thank you, Junko, for another deeply insightful and perceptive article. You’ve got me pegged. I’m attracted to great companies, like Velodyne, that I can lead to the next level of greatness. Velodyne will continue to expand its technology innovation leadership while delivering industry-leading financial results and shareholder value. You are the most original and insightful voice among semiconductor industry writers because you understand both the technology and human factors of success like no one else. Keep up the great work with the Ojo-Yoshida Report!
Ted Tewksbury. CEO, Velodyne Lidar